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All Board licensees are required to have a disclosure statement by section 4757.12 of the Revised Code & rule 4757-5-12 of the Administrative Code. The statement should provide your clients your areas of competence for practice that are supported by appropriate education, training and prior supervised practice or consultation by a competent practitioner in each area of competence claimed.


P  R  O  F  E  S  S  I  O  N  A  L     D  I  S  C  L  O  S  U  R  E     S  T  A  T  E  M  E  N  T


Xavier Spencer, LIMFT, CST, LCDC III

Licensed Independent Marriage and Family Therapist # F.1300005

Private Practice - Cleveland, Ohio


F  o  r  m  a  l      E  d  u  c  a  t  i  o  n

Northwestern University - Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy 2009

University of  California Los Angeles, Extension - Substance Abuse Counseling Certificate 2003

University of  California Los Angeles, Extension - Co-Occurring DIsorders Certificate 2005

University of Michigan - Sexual Health Certificate in Sex Therapy 2012


A  r  e  a  s     o  f     C  o  m   p  e  t  e  n  c  e     a  n  d     S  e  r  v  i  c  e  s    P  r  o  v  i  d  e  d


  • Couple /Relationship Therapy     Sexual Dysfunctions/Disorders           Co-Occurring Disorders

  • Family Therapy                               Sexual and Gender Identity                 Consensual sexual behaviors

  • Substance Abuse Tx                      Sexual Compulsivity                              Group Therapy



If you have complaints about professional services from a counselor, social worker and/or marriage and family therapist contact the:

Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board

50 West Broad Street, Suite 1075 Columbus, OH 43215-5919

Phone (614) 466-0912 -Website:



My rate is $160.00 for a 50 minute individual, couple or family session. 



A 24 hours advance notice of an appointment cancellation is required to prevent a fee.


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